We discovered OLGA FRENZEL, a few months ago through a friend of us who had seen his work on the internet. We were immediately fascinated by his works and came into contact with her.
She is extremely versatile: painting, drawing ...
She is incredibly precise and she succeeds in transcribing reality in a phenomenal way. Especially since she has this ability to introduce details that other artists neglect and that's what makes the difference at the finish.
She certainly has a very impressive technique but it is especially her particular vision that distinguishes her from the others.
We are very proud to work with such an artist and it is certain that we will collaborate again in the future.
"My name is Olga Frenzel. I was born in Arkhangelsk, it's a city in тorthern Russia. Since 1998, I live in Germany, in the multicultural city of Cologne.
As long as I can think, I paint. With all the materials I can get in my hands: watercolors, gouache, ink, acrylic, crayons, pencils, charcoal.
Two years ago I discovered pastel chalk for myself and immediately understood - that's mine! This material gives me a lot of possibilities.
Even one single person in its different phases of life, moods, conditions..looks different changes every time, so that you could study his facial structures endlessly...For me every portrait is like a journey to an undiscovered world...
I am 100% self-taught. Everything I can do today, I have learnd by myself in an intuitive way. I am developing me more and more and I am still excited, to see, where my own journey is going to take me... : )"
Click on picture to see different works from OLGA :