Artist : MAURO SILVA Drawer, painter

MAURO is an incredible Brazilian artist whom we met a few years ago. First our respective agendas did not match. Fortunately, after we were able to work together numerous times.
He is an artist of immense talent, who is able to give an extremely realistic character to his creations. The investment he puts into each one of them makes them unique works.
The first time we saw his work, like many, we could not get over it: We were debating whether it was pictures or drawings so perfect the details.
The fact that he puts his talent at the service of such a strong message is a real chance and we are very grateful to him.
"I was born in Quirinópolis, Goiás, Brazil in 1987. I am a self-taught artist and I started with artistic drawing because I had the need to find a way to express myself, then in 2003 painting On canvas, so in 2014 I began to study the art of realistic drawing for myself, and in 2 years I have already achieved a remarkable recognition of my work of art.
This is what I say "art is a journey to know me and I am at the beginning of this path"
I believe art should not be cloistered in museums, it should be seen at all times and be within reach of everyone, everywhere ... And why not also on t-shirts? "
Click on pictures below to see more of MAURO SILVA'S WORKS: