rtist WAINAO Jennifer CARLSSON-

Jennifer CARLSSON is swedish artist with tremendous talent .
We were curious to work with her because as we saw different draws she made, we noticed that subjects were very different.
It's hard to find someone who realizes everytime such a great work . she can draw dogs, horses, portraits...anything. It's very impressive and we had faith that she was the good person to realize one of our most difficult draws.
Working with her, we aboslutely fell in love with her work ethic and you can feel how much passion she got for drawing.
"My name is Jennifer Carlsson and I'm a self-taught artist from Stockholm, Sweden.
I did my first drawing when I was 3 years old.
Then I started drawing helicopters or at least I called it helicopters, but it didn't look anything like it .
A few years later I had a great interest in horses.
I started horse riding and drew horses a lot! My interest in drawing (and horses) continued and in 9th grade, I could draw photo realistic horses.
I wanted to develop my drawing skills - especially Pencil Portraits - and began to draw the characters in Twilight.
The result was that I had an exhibition.
I was very inspired by the photorealistic artwork by Charles Laveso (youtube) and Daisy van den Berg(deviantart) with all the attention to detail using a graphite pencil and other tools. I'm very impressed with all kinds of art and think that everything you can create can be seen as art, but the attention to detail in photorealistic artwork made in pencil or paint is what inspired me to see how far I could go with my own artwork.
I started high school Autumn 2010 and studied art.
I had developed so much on my own, that teachers needed to give me tougher challenges. Therefore they encouraged me to submit an artwork to Liljevalchs Exhibition - Young Spring Saloon 2012 and I won first price!!
I started my own business YankeestyleART in 2014 where I create artwork for customers and also sell my own artwork and continue to develop my drawings skills with different techniques, tools and media.
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