Artist WAINAO CHRISTO DAGOROV Drawer, sculptor

Christo DAGOROV is an artist born in SOFIA in BULGARIA and based in SWITZERLAND.
He has flaunted his talent across Europe and the united states; In Spain, new york, switzerland ... he is known especially for the extremely detailed character of his creations.
Self-taught artist, he developed his own methods which allowed him to be at the origin of productions exceptionally original. Christo uses pen design as well as engraving and others to give life and body to his creations.
He started freelance after doing some art schools, which he did not finish, but very quickly the question of meaning came to him. What impact my art has and how it can bring something meaningful and positive to humanity? We can all feel that this question is behind every works of Christo and that the background and the form are not separable. But always the technique follows the idea, never the other way around. The message is an essential aspect of Christo's work.
All the work of Christo incites a real reflection and it is an aspect of his art that he has pleasure to put forward. He has made it his duty to give his work a depth of meaning, since he does not wish to reduce his works to a simple aesthetic character. The beauty of a drawing, a painting or a sculpture resides as much in its beauty as in the questions it can raise to the viewer.
Known for the meticulousness of his work, his secret lies perhaps in his very particular way of apprehending his art. He compares the creation of art to a kind of meditation. Accuracy and detail is a time-consuming element, and he feels that one of the biggest challenges is keeping a good balance between the sense of urgency you have to have in front of a work and the patience It requires.
He recently released a collection of drawings baptized "LIPS". The latter start from the mouth image by diverting them in a very subtle way since they are merged with drawings of forest, map, and even human body.
It is really very impressive because it is only by looking at it very closely that one becomes aware of the double new reading of the drawings. Christo finds inspiration everywhere; for example when playing with his children, at the park, reading a book, watching a movie, waiting for a train etc.
The works are connected together to the extent that he always has an idea of the next creation while he is making one. He likes to vary the materials used, he went through the acrylic, oil, then the hand engraving of steel before returning drawing with pencil, silverpoint and currently engraving steel again by making images which are transforming depending on the point of view or the lighting.
The master word of Christo remains audacity; An artist must try things that may seem impossible at first, he is a pioneer."
Click on pictures below to see more of CHRISTO DAGOROV'S WORKS: